Matthew 18:5
"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."
A Message From Craig:
Growing up a child in a home with both parents, I was fortunate to feel the love of those parents every day. Unfortunately, there are children who are not so blessed and for whatever reason are displaced from their families and/or their homes; some temporarily, some permanently. As these cases become more and more frequent, the offices of children services have become overworked and stretched beyond their capabilities leaving the children to fall through the cracks. Having served as a police officer, I can remember having to see children wait at the childrens' services office late into the night while an officer would work tirelessly to find them a home. Sometimes, they would have to go to a temporary foster home until they were placed in permanent foster care or returned to the family.The objective for the Craig Morgan Charity Fund will be to provide a home and services for such children. We will work with the childrens' services office and the local community to ensure that every displaced child has a place where he or she can go without having to wait and stay until permanent foster care is provided. Until this home is completed and running, we will work with and support other children's organization in the community. Matthew 18:5 "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."